12 Days of Christmas song ...
is it an
18th Century
English Nursery Rhyme
a 17th Century
Irish Code....
You be the judge!

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HOW to celebrate the real
12 Days of Christmas
with our digital
bundle of Joy!

  • Bring the joy of Christmas to life with four faith inspiring craft projects!
  • ​Turn 12 hours of merrymaking into 12 days of joyful and peaceful celebration!
  • ​Make Christmas more memorable by making meaningful DIY ornaments and votives!
  • ​We provide the printables you simply provide your choice of bulbs, card stock, votive candleholders, decoupage, paint brushes, ribbon, glitter, any other embellishments and of course your creativity!

Hours of faithfilled fun!

Best Christmas Digital Bundle Includes:

itunes Song

The 12 Days of Christmas, Our Father Gave To Us . . .
12 Teachers Teachings
11 Faithful Apostles
10 Good Commandments
9 Choirs of Angel
8 Blessed Beatitudes
7 Sacred gifts
6 Creation Days
5 Holy Books


The charming illustrated book, is a new version of an old story. Our Father Gave To Us The 12 Days of Christmas, is based upon historical research that reveals the spiritual meanings hidden behind the nonsensical words.

Ornament Kit

This DIY decoupage ornament kit has more than 30 sheets of original illustrations from Rebecca Even's book. The illustrations are in two sizes and both sizes come in color and black and white , along with antique looking lyric paper and music paper all for crafting.


• A DIY Pennant Banner , you will need to provide the, ribbon, bling and style. You can hang the  banner over your  fireplace hearth, or you can hang it in a door way or across a wall.  Hang it somewhere your whole family will be able to see it so that everyone can be focused on Grattitude for all God's gifts.

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Check Out These 5 Star Reviews

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Bundle of Joy has
4 Heirloom projects
and hours of
faithfilled family fun  

iTunes Song • Digital eBook,
& Downloadable Ornament Kit
BONUS: Christmas Hearth Banner

Less than a pizza dinner!

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Who Is This Offer For?

  • Christians who want to "Keep Christ in Christmas" by focusing on God's gifts to us the entire season
  • Anyone who wants to celebrate more and spend less
  • ​Anyone who likes to create D.I.Y heirloom ornaments, gift tags, Christmas candles & whatever else you can imagine!
  • ​Anyone who loves to gather with family and friends to craft and make wonderful memories
  • Christians who want to "Keep Christ in Christmas" by focusing on God's gifts to us the entire season
  • Anyone who wants to celebrate more and spend less
  • ​Anyone who likes to create D.I.Y heirloom ornaments, gift tags, Christmas candles & whatever else you can imagine!
  • ​Anyone who loves to gather with family and friends to craft and make wonderful memories
  • ​Anyone who loves to gather with family and friends to craft and make wonderful memories

Father Harold Stockert, the Byzantine priest shares his first person eyewitness testimony of finding 17th Century, Irish, Code letters


Current History says- 12 Days of Christmas is a 18th Century English Nursery Rhyme

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Our exclusive bundle, only found here includes:

√ Mp3 Song from iTunes
√ Digital printable EBook
√ 30 Page D.I.Y Ornament Kit

BONUS Hearth Banner (add your own sizzle)
Hours of family fun!

Days Until Christmas Begins

If Christmas is truly a season that begins on Jesus's Birthday, then celebrating it had to be more than 12 hours of frenzied merry making.

Celebrating Christmas all 12 Days, gave me a gift.
For the first time as a mother, I was able to enter more deeply into the spiritual reality that we were celebrating the birth of the prince of peace - Rebecca

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The Best Christmas Bundle Includes:

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About Me...

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Hi My name is Rebecca. I am an author, speaker, song writer but not singer and floral designer . (more on that later). My favorite self-description is a lyric written by one of my favorite singers Marie Bellet “ I am just an ordinary sinner wondering what to cook for dinner". oh and I have really bad ADD too. : ) I have been told I am an evangelist as I will share something about Jesus, Mary or the Saints with anyone who will listen. My prayer is that the work I share here will inspire us both to walk closer with Christ, his Mother and Saints on our journey through this valley of tears.

Pax y Bien,
Rebecca Even

PS: A beautiful prayer:
Prayer of St.Francis of Assis before the Cross of San Damiano:

Most High and Glorious God, bring light into the darkness of my heart. Give me right faith, certain hope and perfect charity, insight and wisdom, so I can always observe your holy and true command. Amen

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Leave your Christmas decorations up until at least the Epiphany!

DECEMBER 25th, Celebrate the FIRST day of Christmas, the Birthdate of Jesus Christ Then, celebrate all 12 Days of Christmas, from December 25th until January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany. Here are some ideas:

• During Advent prepare your home and hearts with an advent wreath, and a Jesse tree, search for one on ETSY!
• Celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas with the children in your life
• Decorate your Christmas Tree on December 23
• Leave your Christmas decorations up until the Epiphany, January 6th
• Each Day of Christmas discuss in your family God's gifts of faith to us
• Have a Twelfth Night Party with friends and family!
• Make a King’s Cake! Green for Faith,
Yellow for Power and, Purple for Justice
• On the Epiphany mark your threshold with the year (with initials CMB, 2+0+C.+M+B+2+3
• Walk in the joy of Gratitude for all of God's gifts!

From our family to yours hope you have
"Your BEST Christmas Ever!"

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If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your bundle we will refund your money IN FULL!

So, what are you waiting for?! This is completely risk-free... If you think there might be the slightest chance that this could restore the sanity to the season, stop procrastinating and click the button below to get started on this journey together!

We are here to help you recover and restore the sanctity of the season!

Peace and Blessings,

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If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your bundle we will refund your money IN FULL!

So, what are you waiting for?! This is completely risk-free... If you think there might be the slightest chance that this could restore the sanity to the season, stop procrastinating and click the button below to get started on this journey together!

We are here to help you recover and restore the sanctity of the season!

Peace and Blessings,

Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee! No questions asked...

National & Local Radio & New Coverage 

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Best Christmas Ever Bundle FAQ's!

When I purchase how will it be delivered to me?
You will receive a download link in the next step of the funnel, additionally you will be sent an email with a link.

If for any reason I don't like the program, how do I get a refund?
Send an email to Rebecca@BestChristmasEver.Life within the first 30 days of purchase. 

Because you are still here reading.... her is my encyclopedia version of my spiritual TRANSFORMATION through Christmas....

Being an American Mom in the late 90's, I had gotten swept up in the vision of a perfect Halmark Christmas, perfect children, perfect Christmas cards, a perfect meal, perfect Christmas tree, perfect decorations and perfect gifts for my whole family... all in ONE day.

What was I thinking...
I had mistakenly conflated perfection with love. Need-less-to say at the end I was exhausted, overspent, sad by disappointing someone I loved and wondering if I had really taught my children about the birth of the Savior, the Prince of Peace. I know for sure I did not model the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Keeping Christ in Christmas is a great thing to say.... but HOW. Our Super Sacred feast day has been totally Secularized. Today I offer you the HOW to keep Christ in Christmas remedy...

Being American/Irish, growing up in a Jesuit parish and being the mother of 3 children we were trying to teach the faith, I wanted to know more, I wanted to know how to get off the Chaotic Christmas merry-go-round and experience God more deeply in our family life…. so I began researching.
In Christmas of 1999 we received a letter from our Parish Priest, Father Russ S.J., may he rest in peace. I was so excited and interested in what he had to say about the 12 Days of Christmas being a code, most likely written by a “wiley Jesuit” from Ireland in the late 1600's.

Again, I began researching and the only resource I could find that referenced this code was created by 2 lovely protestant women and it was a digital download for $19.99. I wondered how they were going to handle the tragic Penal years, the time the original song was most likely written. The creators called this tragic period of Christendom a time of Holy wars, well there was nothing Holy about this period of persecution, as witnessed by the lives of the Irish Martyrs. In addition, persecution is not a war, nor is it Holy.

Reluctantly, I bought the digital download packet, it was a true labor of love by the creators, it had crafts and prayers for every day of Christmas.

I was a little overwhelmed because it felt like LOTS of easy steps to a perfect Christmas.

This got me thinking about how we were celebrating Christmas as a family, how could we simply refocus our attention on the gifts of God to celebrate more fully.

Then it hit me... start with the song... so I did, I along with the help of my family we wrote the lyrics to "Our Father Gave To Us the 12 Days of Christmas. Then the challenge to live it actually came in.

No matter how hard I planned, shopped or tried I always came up short, exhausted, disappointed someone and oh yeah.... over spent our budget.

Producing Christmas for your family is almost another full time job, especially if you are attention deficit challenged like me.

This is where the meaningful transformation came into my life and our lives.

If Christmas is truly a season that begins on Jesus's Birthday, after observing and preparing during Advent, then celebrating it had to be more than 12 hours of frenzied Merry Making.

Celebrating Christmas all 12 Days, gave me a gift, for the first time as a mother, I was able to enter more deeply into the spiritual reality that we were celebrating the birth of the prince of peace because including God's gifts of faith shifted our family focus ! Getting off the manic madison avenue merry-go-round was a relief.

More on the research process...
When I first began researching the code theory, I first encountered controversy, you can’t prove it the NY times said to the priest who found the 17th century letters in the Georgetown library while researching his doctoral thesis in the early 1960’s. Not true cried SNOPES, because Protestants and Catholics basically believe the same thing, ( ignorance of history is bliss…).

Now I happen to believe Father Stockert's testimony, however when I sent SNOPES the good news along with Father's interview Matthew from the fine organization basically called Father Stockert a Liar. I did not know Father for many years but I did learn very quickly that he was an honorable man who had dedicated himself to living the Gospel. Pray for us Father Stockert!

The controversy over the authentication of the 12 Days of Christmas song as we know it as a Code, written by Catholics during a period of tragic persecution will not be resolved until we find the letters Father Stockert found in the early 60’s. In the mean time I have written a song to match the probable code and have transformed our family’s Christmas celebration for generations to come. Hopefully it will bless your family too! Blessings!

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A gift For You 386 A.D. The First Christmas Sermon St. John Chrysostom

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